
ჩვენთვის პრიორიტეტია მომხმარებლებს შევქმნათ ელექტრო დამტენების კომფორტული ინფრასტრუქტურა მთელი საქართველოს მაშტაბით.
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Chief Executive Officer

A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, and their primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions.
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Chief Financial Officer

A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, and their primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions.
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San Francisco

Global Sales & Marketing

A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, and their primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions.
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According to the International Energy Agency, the number of EVs on the roads globally will surpass 147 million, this forecast creates demand and opportunity for the deployment of EV charging stations around the world. Contact Us Now
Solutions For Establishing Optimised Home Charging

Charging Solutions For All Businesses & EV Drivers.

We serve hundreds of partners worldwide, including resellers, distributors, installers, car manufacturers, and more. Partnering with us is simple: we offer a range of charging solutions tailored to your business model.
We’ll continue providing the infrastructure and expertise needed to adopt electric mobility along with all support to keep customers happy and vehicles on the move.
2 or 3 year warranty, extendable to 5 years
Monitor your charging and earn rewards by charging
Hundreds of thousands of places to charge
მუნიციპალური დამტენი
კერძო დამტენი
We Are Ready To Charge Millions Of EVs. Are You?

დამტენების ინსტალაცია მუნიციპალურ პარკირებებზე

კომპანია გთავაზობთ საკადასტრო კოდიდან დაწყებული, დამთავრებული ექსპლატაციაში შეყვანით სრულ მომსახურეობას ელექტრო დასამუხტი საშვალების მონტაჟზე.
The charging station’s password (WiFi password) is provided in the configuration sheet that was supplied with Charge Amps Halo.
The charging station’s password (WiFi password) is provided in the configuration sheet that was supplied with Charge Amps Halo.
The charging station’s password (WiFi password) is provided in the configuration sheet that was supplied with Charge Amps Halo.